Aquaculture and aquaponics training for food security and climate resilience 2022-2023
The Mexico-CARICOM-FAO Initiative, Cooperation for adaptation and resilience to climate change in the Caribbean, or Resilient Caribbean Initiative is a joint effort led by the Government of the United Mexican States, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and the Mexican Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AMEXCID). It is implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and started supporting CARICOM countries since 2018. The Initiative aims to assist countries by piloting resilience-building solutions in a) the water-energy-food nexus, b) school feeding programs and c) resilient aquaculture. It aims to facilitate access to climate finance and strengthen national and/or regional capacities through South-South Cooperation. The Initiative targets actions that contribute to reducing the impacts of global shocks such as climate change and COVID-19 on household livelihoods, food availability, national and local food trade, markets, and agricultural supply chains.
The Resilient Aquaculture for Food Security and Well-being in the Caribbean project is being implemented via South-South Cooperation support from CIBNOR, INAPESCA and CONAPESCA. Its main objective is to increase the contribution of aquaculture to food security, nutrition, and livelihoods in the participating countries (Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Trinidad and Tobago). The intended outcome is that farmers are trained and empowered through increased livelihoods, better production, greater market influence and greater community recognition of their role in the provision of healthy food through economically viable, ecologically sustainable, and socially acceptable aquaculture practices. Farmers will receive support through the provision of equipment and materials for increased production and training on best production practices, marketing, and access to finance.
GENERAL COORDINATION Dra. Ana Teresa Valdivia Alvarado Jefa del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales Dr. Bernardo Murillo Amador Director de Gestión y Desarrollo Institucional Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C. (CIBNOR) |
MEXICO CARICOM-FAO COORDINATION Jacinto Buenfil Policy Officer Environment and Climate Change Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Bridgetown, Barbados |
LOGISTIC COORDINATION Lic. Silvia Yolanda Alzaga Mayagoitia Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C. (CIBNOR) |
2022 |
Opening ceremony |
Tuesday 18 October |
1:00 pm to 1:30 pm Barbados 11:00 am to 11:30 am La Paz |
Topic |
Instructors |
Coordinator |
Date |
Number of hours |
Hydroponics for sustainable plant production |
Tec. Pedro Luna García |
Dra. Alejandra Nieto Garibay |
Tuesday 18 October |
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Barbados 11:30 am to 1:30 pm La Paz |
Basics of aquaponic systems as a dual activity (fish and vegetal production) and sustainable production. |
Tec. Pedro Luna García |
Dra. Alejandra Nieto Garibay |
Thursday 20 October |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 11 am to 1 pm La Paz |
Balanced feed technology for aquaculture |
Dr. Ernesto Goytortúa Bores |
Dr. Pedro Cruz Hernández |
Thursday 27 October |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 11 am to 1 pm La Paz |
Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) |
Dr. Juan Carlos Pérez Urbiola |
Dr. Pedro Cruz Hernández |
Tuesday 8 November |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). Part 2 |
Dr. Juan Carlos Pérez Urbiola |
Dr. Pedro Cruz Hernández |
Thursday 10 November |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Introduction to the culture of microalgae |
Dr. Concepción Lora Vilchis QFB Marte Virgen Félix |
Dr. Pedro Cruz Hernández |
Tuesday 22 November |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Biotechnological applications of algae and cyanobacteria. Part 1:
Dr. Bertha Olivia Arredondo Vega |
Dr. Pedro Cruz Hernández |
Tuesday 29 November |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Biotechnological applications of algae and cyanobacteria. Part 2:
Dra. Regina Elizondo González |
Dr. Pedro Cruz Hernández |
Thursday 1 December |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
2023 |
Food handling in aquaponic systems. Part 1: Introduction to hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP). |
M en C. Martín Aguilar García |
Dra. Alejandra Nieto Garibay |
Tuesday 17 January 2023 |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Food handling in aquaponic systems. Part 2: HACCP in vegetables. |
M en C. Martín Aguilar García |
Dra. Alejandra Nieto Garibay |
Thursday 19 January |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Food handling in aquaponic systems. Part 3: Post-harvest technology in aquatic animals I. |
Dr. Mariana Diaz (ITSON) |
Dr. Eduardo Francisco Balart Páez |
Tuesday 24 January |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Food handling in aquaponic systems. Part 4: Post-harvest technology in aquatic animals II. |
Dra. Patricia Hernández Cortes |
Dr. Eduardo Francisco Balart Páez |
Thursday 26 January |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Food handling in aquaponic systems. Part 5: Traceability, identification, and origin. |
Dra. Liliana Rojo Arreola |
Dr. Eduardo Francisco Balart Páez |
Tuesday 31 January |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Food safety and innocuousness: Food of marine origin: Basic concepts of nutrition, innocuousness, and food safety |
Dr. Ramón Gaxiola Robles Dr. Daniela A. Murillo Cisneros Dr. Tania Zenteno Savín |
Dr. Alejandro López Cortés |
Tuesday 14 February |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Food safety and innocuousness: Food of marine origin. Part 2: Advantages of a diet based on fish and shellfish of marine origin |
Dr. Ramón Gaxiola Robles Dr. Daniela A. Murillo Cisneros Dr. Tania Zenteno Savín |
Dr. Alejandro López Cortés |
Thursday 16 February |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Food safety and innocuousness: Food of marine origin. Part 3: Main threats to the safety of fish and shellfish of marine origin |
Dr. Ramón Gaxiola Robles Dr. Daniela A. Murillo Cisneros Dr. Tania Zenteno Savín |
Dr. Alejandro López Cortés |
Tuesday 21 February |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Food safety and innocuousness: Food of marine origin. Part 4: One Health approach to improving the quality of life in rural, suburban, and developed areas while protecting the health of the marine ecosystems. |
Dr. Ramón Gaxiola Robles Dr. Daniela A. Murillo Cisneros Dr. Tania Zenteno Savín |
Dr. Alejandro López Cortés |
Thursday 23 February |
1 pm to 3 pm Barbados 10 am to 12 noon La Paz |
Closing ceremony |
Thursday 23 February |
3 pm to 3:30 pm Barbados 12 noon to 12:30 pm La Paz |
Only participants who meet 80% attendance throughout the workshop will be given a certificate of participation.