Acreditados por el Sistema Nacional de Posgrados del CONAHCYT.

Publicaciones asociadas a la MCUMPRN: 2019 

Código de Colores

Estudiante/Egresado de Maestría | Director de Tesis | Cátedra CONAHCYTCoautor Internacional

Abasolo Pacheco, F., Saucedo Lastra, P.E., Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Campa Cordova, A.I., Ferrer Sánchez, Y., Méndez Martínez, Y., Chiluisa Triana, N.F. 2019. Efecto de mezclas bacterianas con potencial probiótico en el crecimiento, supervivencia y respuesta antioxidante de la almeja catarina Argopecten ventricosus. Biotecnia. XXI(3):92-99. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Acosta Balbás, V., Lodeiros, C., Mendoza Hill, J., Mazon Suastegui, J.M. 2019. Tropical mussels Perna perna and P viridis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae): Bottom or suspended culture. Aquaculture. 512(734298):1-6. (F.I. 3.022)
Agüero Fernández, Y.M., Hernandez Montiel, L.G., Murillo Amador, B., Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Ojeda Silvera, C.M., Batista Sánchez, D. 2019. Morpho-physiological Characteristics of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L) under NaCl-stress and Rhizophagus fasciculatum as NaCl-stress Mitigator. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 47(4):1-8. (F.I. 0.624)
Aguilera Miller, E.F., Alvarez Castañeda, S.T. 2019. Review of philopatry and its strategy in xeric environments. THERYA. 10(1):39-44. (Padrón de revistas CONACYT)
Alvarez Castañeda, S.T., Nájera Cortázar, L.A. 2019. Do island populations differ in size and shape compared to mainland counterparts. Journal of Mammalogy. Published: 13 December 2019:1-13. (F.I. 2.13)
Alvarez Castañeda, S.T., Segura Trujillo, C.A., Lidicker, Jr., W.Z. 2019. Impact of the American Society of Mammalogists on the internationalization of mammalogy. Journal of Mammalogy. 100(3):751-762. (F.I. 2.139)
Amezcua Castro, S., Morales Bojorquez, E., Arreguín Sánchez, F., Luquin Covarrubias, M.A., García Borbón, J.A., Cisneros Montemayor, A.M. 2019. EFFECTS OF SERIAL DEPLETION ON THE FISHERY MANAGEMENT OF GEODUCK PANOPEA GLOBOSA. Journal of Shellfish Research. 38(3):543-556. (F.I. 1.037)
Angulo Villavicencio, M.G., Reyes Becerril, M.C., Cepeda Palacios, R., Angulo Valadez, C.E. 2019. Oral administration of Debaryomyces hansenii CBS8339-ß-glucan induces trained immunity in newborn goats. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. Available online 25 December 2019:1-9. (F.I. 3.119)
Angulo Villavicencio, M.G., Reyes Becerril, M.C., Cepeda Palacios, R., Tovar Ramirez, D., Esteban, M.Á., Angulo Valadez, C.E. 2019. Probiotic effects of marine Debaryomyces hansenii CBS 8339 on innate immune and antioxidant parameters in newborn goats. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 103(5):2339-2352. (F.I. 3.34)
Aragon Noriega, E.A., Alcantara Razo, E., Cruz Vásquez, R., Castillo Vargasmachuca, S.G., Rodríguez Domínguez, G., Ponce Palafox, J.T., López Sánchez, J.A. 2019. GROWTH VARIATIONS IN THE GEODUCK PANOPEA GLOBOSA IN DIFFERENT CLIMATOLOGICAL REGIONS OF NORTHWESTERN MEXICO. Journal of Shellfish Research. 38(2):279-286. (F.I. 1.037)
Aragon Noriega, E.A., Alcantara Razo, E., Padilla Serrato, J.G., Rodríguez Domínguez, G., Castillo Vargasmachuca, S.G. 2019. MORPHOLOGICAL NOTES ON PINNAXODES GIGAS GREEN, 1992 (BRACHYURA, PINNOTHERIDAE) EMPHASIZING ON LENGTH-WEIGHT RELATIONSHIP UNDER MULTI-MODEL APPROACH. Crustaceana. 92(9):1081-1097. (F.I. 0.794)
Arambul Muñoz, E., Ponce Palafox, J.T., Claro De Los Santos, R., Aragon Noriega, E.A., Rodríguez Domínguez, G., Castillo Vargasmachuca, S.G. 2019. Influence of stocking density on production and water quality of a photo-heterotrophic intensive system of white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) in circular lined grow-out ponds, with minimal water replacement. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(3):449-455. (F.I. 0.67)
Arcos Ortega, G.F., Serrano Silvas, S.R., Rodriguez Jaramillo, M.C., Acuña Gómez, E.P., Schofield Astorga, D.C., Olave Solar, C.D. 2019. Oogenesis of Lithodes santolla: histological and histochemical characterization. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(3):480-491. (F.I. 0.67)
Arias, R., Reyes Pérez, J.J., Ledea Rodríguez, J.L., Benítez, D., Ray, J., Hernandez Montiel, L.G. 2019. RESPUESTA AGRO PRODUCTIVA DE NUEVAS VARIEDADES DE Cenchrus purpureus. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems. 22:79-86. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Arias, R., Reyes Pérez, J.J., Ray, J., Benítez, D., Hernandez Montiel, L.G., Ledea Rodríguez, J.L. 2019. INDICADORES MORFOMÉTRICOS EN NUEVAS VARIEDADES MEGATÉRMICAS DE Cenchrus purpureus TOLERANTES AL ESTRÉS HÍDRICO. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems. 22:115-125. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Arnaud Franco, G.A., Sandoval, S., Escobar Flores, J.G., Gómez Muñoz, V.M., Burguete, J.L. 2019. Thermal ecology of the Rattlesnake Crotalus catalinensis from Santa Catalina Island, Gulf of California. Acta Universitaria. 28 (Online First):1-8. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Asencio Alcudia, G.G., Andree, K.B., Giraldez, I., Tovar Ramirez, D., Alvarez González, A., Herrera, M., Gisbert, E. 2019. Stressors Due to Handling Impair Gut Immunity in Meagre (Argyrosomus regius): The Compensatory Role of Dietary L-Tryptophan. Frontiers in Physiology. 10(547):1-13. (F.I. 3.201)
Aviles Polanco, G., Jefferson, D.J., Almendarez Hernandez, M.A., Beltran Morales, L.F. 2019. Factors That Explain the Utilization of the Nagoya Protocol Framework for Access and Benefit Sharing. Sustainability. 11(20):1-18. (F.I. 2.592)
Báez Parra, K.M., Soto Beltrán, M., López Cuevas, O., Basilio Heredia, J., Alcaraz Melendez, L., Angulo Escalante, M.A. 2019. In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Methanolic and Hexanic Extracts of Turnera diffusa Against Common Urinary Pathogens. REVISTA BIO CIENCIAS. 6(2):1-17. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Band Schmidt, C.J., Durán Riveroll, L.M., Bustillos Guzman, J.J., Leyva Valencia, I., López Cortés, D.J., Nuñez Vazquez, E.J., Hernandez Sandoval, F.E., Ramírez Rodríguez, D.V. 2019. Paralytic Toxin Producing Dinoflagellates in Latin America: Ecology and Physiology. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6(42):1-39. (F.I. 3.086)
Basto Rosales, M.E.R., Carrillo Farnés, O., Montoya Martínez, C.E., Badillo Zapata, D., Rodríguez Montes de Oca, G.A., Álvarez González, C.A., Nolasco Soria, H.G., Vega Villasante, F. 2019. Meat protein quality of Dormitator latifrons (Pisces: Eleotridae): arguments for use by rural communities. Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios. Dec 2019:1-7. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Batista Sánchez, D., Murillo Amador, B., Nieto Garibay, A., Alcaraz Melendez, L., Troyo Dieguez, E., Hernandez Montiel, L.G., Ojeda Silvera, C.M., Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Agüero Fernández, Y.M. 2019. Bioestimulante derivado de caña de azucar mitiga los efectos del estrés por NaCl en Ocimum basilicum L. Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios. 6(17):297-306. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Becerra Gudiño, A., Juárez Rosete, C.R., Bugarín Montoya, R., Murillo Amador, B. 2019. Growth of Rosmarinus officinalis L and acumulation of secondary metabolites under high salinity. REVISTA BIO CIENCIAS. 6:1-15. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Beltrán Morales, F.A., Nieto Garibay, A., Murillo Chollet, J.S.A., Ruiz Espinoza, F.H., Troyo Dieguez, E., Alcala Jauregui, J.A., Murillo Amador, B. 2019. Contenido inorgánico de nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio de abonos de origen natural para su uso en agricultura orgánica. Terra Latinoamericana. 37:371-378. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Benavides Ríos, E.C., Kuethe, J., Ortiz Alcaraz, A.A., Leon De La Luz, J.L. 2019. Oenothera resicum (Onagraceae), a new species and the first record of the family from the Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico. Phytotaxa. 416(1):59-66. (F.I. 1.168)
Bernardo, P.H., Sánchez Ramírez, S., Sánchez Pacheco, S.J., Alvarez Castañeda, S.T., Aguilera Miller, E.F., Mendez De la Cruz, F.R., Murphy, R.W. 2019. Extreme mito-nuclear discordance in a peninsular lizard: the role of drift, selection, and climate. Heredity. Published online: 04 March 2019:1-12. (F.I. 3.872)
Bolaño Martínez, N., Hernández Muñoz, S., Uribe Alcocer, M., Galván Magaña, F., Ritchie, P.A., Garcia De Leon, F.J., Díaz Jaimes, P. 2019. Population genetic divergence as consequence of past range expansion of the smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena. Hydrobiologia. Published online: 25 April 2019:1-16. (F.I. 2.165)
Caamal Chan, M.G., Loera Muro, A., Castellanos Cervantes, T.R., Aguilar Martínez, C.J., Marfil Santana, M.D., Barraza Celis, A. 2019. Analysis of the bacterial communities and endosymbionts of natural populations of Bemisia tabaci in several crop fields from Mexico semi-arid zone. Annals of Microbiology. Published online: 22 May 2019:1-14. (F.I. 1.407)
Calderón Liévanos, S., Hernandez Saavedra, N.Y., Lluch Cota, S.E., Cruz Hernandez, P., Ascencio Valle, F.J., Sicard Gonzalez, M.T. 2019. Survival and respiration of green abalone (Haliotis fulgens) facing very short-term marine environmental extremes. MARINE AND FRESHWATER BEHAVIOUR AND PHYSIOLOGY. Published online: 24 Apr 2019:1-15. (F.I. 0.947)
Campos Davila, L., Perez Estrada, C.J., Rodriguez Estrella, R., Morales Bojorquez, E., Brun Murillo, F.G., Balart Paez, E.F. 2019. Seagrass Halodule wrightii as a new habitat for the amphioxus Branchiostoma californiense (Cephalochordata, Branchiostomidae) in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico. ZooKeys. 873:113-131. (F.I. 1.143)
Campuzano, E.F., Ibarra Núñez, G., Machkour Mrabet, S., Morón Ríos, A., Jimenez Jimenez, M.L. 2019. Diversity and seasonal variation of ground and understory spiders from a tropical mountain cloud forest. Insect Science. Version of Record online: 19 June 2019:1-19. (F.I. 2.71)
Carmona Henandez, S., Reyes Pérez, J.J., Chiquito Contreras, R.G., Rincon Enriquez, G., Cerdan Cabrera, C.R., Hernandez Montiel, L.G. 2019. Biocontrol of Postharvest Fruit Fungal Diseases by Bacterial Antagonists: A Review. Agronomy-Basel. 9(3):1-15. (F.I. 1.419)
Carvalho Saucedo, L., Racotta Dimitrov, I.S., Guerra Danielsen, C. 2019. Pathological changes by Eosinophilic Rickettsia-like organism in Japanese oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 167(107248):1-7. (F.I. 2.101)
Chavez Villalba, J.E., Arreola Lizarraga, J.A., Castillo Durán, J.A. 2019. Condition index in three size classes of the smooth venus clam Chionista fluctifraga from a commercial fishery in Sonora, Mexico. Acta Universitaria. 29:1-11. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Chiquito Contreras, R.G., Murillo Amador, B., Carmona Hernandez, S., Chiquito Contreras, C.J., Hernandez Montiel, L.G. 2019. Effect of Marine Bacteria and Ulvan on the Activity of Antioxidant Defense Enzymes and the Bio-Protection of Papaya Fruit against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Antioxidants. 8(12):1-14. (F.I. 4.52)
Chiquito Contreras, R., Reyes Pérez, J.J., Chiquito Contreras, C., Vidal Hernandez, L., Hernandez Montiel, L.G. 2019. Efecto de rizobacterias y dosis reducidas de fertilizantes sintéticos sobre la expresión morfo-productiva de tomate en invernadero. ITEA-Información Técnica Económica Agraria. Aceptado para publicación el 7 de julio de 2019:1-11. (F.I. 0.346)
Corral Rosales, C., Ricque Marie, D., Cruz Suárez, L.E., Arjona Lopez, M.O., Palacios Mechetnov, E. 2019. Fatty acids, sterols, phenolic compounds, and carotenoid changes in response to dietary inclusion of Ulva clathrata in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei broodstock. Journal of Applied Phycology. Published online: 10 June 2019:1-12. (F.I. 2.635)
Covarrubias Ramírez, J.M., Zermeño González, A., Parga Torres, V.M., Briones Sánchez, G., Troyo Dieguez, E. 2019. Aplicación de Días grado de crecimiento en el cultivo de Papa (Solanum tuberosum L) para estimar el abatimiento del agua en el suelo. Acta Universitaria. 29:1-10. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Cruz Cruz, I., Maldonado Garcia, M.C., Rebollar Prudente, R.R., Estrada Godínez, J.A., Pacheco Vega, J.M., Cadena Roa, M. 2019. Nutritional value and population growth of Brachionus plicatilis fed with endemic microalgae from North Pacific. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(1):42-51. (F.I. 0.482)
Del Águila Vargas, A.C., Vázquez Medina, J.P., Crocker, D.E., Mendez Rodriguez, L.C., Gaxiola Robles, R., De Anda Montañez, J.A., Ramírez Jirano, L.J., Lugo Lugo, O., Zenteno Savin, T. 2019. Antioxidant response to cadmium exposure in primary skeletal muscle cells isolated from humans and elephant seals. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C. Available online 22 October 2019:1-9. (F.I. 2.697)
Del Angel Olarte, C., Hernandez Adame, L., Mendez Blas, A., Palestino, G. 2019. Eu3/Yb3 co-doped gadolinium oxysulfide upconverting nanorods: Morphological, physicochemical and optical evaluation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 787:1032-1043. (F.I. 3.779)
Del Monte Martínez, A., González Bacerio, J., Varela, C.M., Vega Villasante, F., Lalana Rueda, R., Nolasco Soria, H.G., Díaz, J., Guisán, J.M. 2019. Screening and Immobilization of Interfacial Esterases from Marine Invertebrates as Promising Biocatalyst Derivatives. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Published online: 30 May 2019:1-16. (F.I. 1.797)
Delgado Alvarez, C., Ruelas Inzunza, J., Escobar Sánchez, O., Covantes Rosales, R., Pineda Pérez, I.B., Osuna Martínez, C.C., Aguilar Júarez, M., Osuna López, J.I., Voltolina, D., Frías Espericueta, M.G.2019. Metal Concentrations in Age-Groups of the Clam, Megapitaria squalida, from a Coastal Lagoon in Mexico: A Human Health Risk Assessment. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 103:822-827. (F.I. 1.65)
Díaz-santana Iturrios, M., Salinas Zavala, C.A., García Rodríguez, F.J., Granados Amores, J. 2019. Taxonomic assessment of species of the genus Octopus from the northeastern Pacific via morphological, molecular and morphometric analyses. PeerJ. 7(e8118):1-22. (F.I. 2.353)
Díaz-santana Iturrios, M., Salinas Zavala, C.A., Granados Amores, J., De la Cruz Agüero, J., García Rodríguez, F.J. 2019. Taxonomic considerations of squids of the family Loliginidae (Cephalopoda: Myopsida) supported by morphological, morphometric, and molecular data. Marine Biodiversity. Published online: 18 July 2019:1-10. (F.I. 1.743)
Encinas Garcia, T., Loreto Quiroz, D.L., Mendoza Cano, J.F., Peña Rodriguez, A., Fimbres Olivarria, D., De la Re Vega, E., Sanchez Paz, J.A. 2019. White spot syndrome virus down-regulates expression of histones H2A and H4 of Penaeus vannamei to promote viral replication. DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS. 137(1):73-79. (F.I. 1.659)
Encinas Garcia, T., Mendoza Cano, J.F., Porchas Cornejo, M.A., Peña Rodriguez, A., Enríquez Espinoza, T., Sanchez Paz, J.A. 2019. The white spot syndrome virus hijacks the expression of the Penaeus vannamei Toll signaling pathway to evade host immunity and facilitate its replication. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 92:905-912. (F.I. 3.298)
Errejón Gómez, J.C., Ortega Rubio, A., Santos Zavala, J. 2019. Programa Nacional para Áreas Naturales Protegidas en México en el periodo 2014-2018: análisis de dos de sus objetivos. Sociedad y Ambiente. 7(21):33-51. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Escobar Flores, J.G., Sandoval, S., Valdez, R., Shahriary, E., Torres, J., Alvarez Cardenas, S., Galina Tessaro, P. 2019. Waterhole detection using a vegetation index in desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis cremnobates) habitat. PLOS ONE. 14(1):1-14. (F.I. 2.766)
Escobedo Fregoso, C., Escobedo Yam, F., Peña Rodriguez, A., Ibarra Humphries, A.M., Quiroz Guzman, E. 2019. Folic acid and cyanocobalamin effects on the expression of genes involved in DNA methylation of the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture Research. Version of Record online: 29 April 2019:1-9. (F.I. 1.475)
Espinosa Chaurand, L.D., Aparicio Simon, B., Cortes Sanchez, A.J., Garza Torres, R., Garcia Morales, R., Maeda Martinez, A.N. 2019. The productive assessment of two tilapia nilotica (Oreochromis niloticus) commercial strains in Sinaloa Mexico. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(3):440-448. (F.I. 0.67)
Espinosa Chaurand, L.D., Carrillo Farnés, O., Vega Villasante, F., Nolasco Soria, H.G. 2019. Effect of protein level in diet and feeding schedule on the digestive enzymatic activity of Macrobrachium tenellum juveniles. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(5):743-752. (F.I. 0.67)
Espinosa Chaurand, L.D., Nolasco Soria, H.G. 2019. In vitro digestibility of oils used in feed for Macrobrachium tenellum, Macrobrachium americanum and Litopenaeus vannamei adults. Aquaculture. 512:1-10. (F.I. 3.022)
Estay Stange, A.E., Rodriguez Estrella, R., Bautista, A. 2019. Injuries to a Whiskered Screech-Owl (Megascops trichopsis) chick inflicted by a Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) in a nest cavity. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 131(1):1-4. (F.I. 0.483)
Estrada Perez, N., Ruiz Velazco, J.M.J., Magallon Barajas, F.J., Campa Cordova, A.I., Hernandez Llamas, A. 2019. Dynamic stock model for analysing semi-intensive production of whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus (Penaeus) vannamei affected by the acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: Assessment of disease severity indicators and relationships with pond water quali. Aquaculture Research. First Published: 28 October 2019:1-13. (F.I. 1.502)
Falcón Brindis, A., Jimenez Jimenez, M.L., Rodriguez Estrella, R. 2019. Islands in the desert for cavity-nesting bees and wasps: Ecology, patterns of diversity, and conservation at oases of Baja California Peninsula. Ecology and Evolution. First Published: 17 December 2019:1-16. (F.I. 2.415)
Falcón Brindis, A., Rodriguez Estrella, R., Jimenez Jimenez, M.L. 2019. Disentangling the coexistence strategies of mud-daubing wasp species through trophic analysis in oases of Baja California peninsula. PLOS ONE. 14(11):1-20. (F.I. 2.776)
Ferrer Sánchez, Y., Rodriguez Estrella, R., Martínez Morales, M.Á. 2019. Improving conservation strategies of raptors through landscape ecology analysis: The case of the endemic Cuban Black Hawk. Ecology and Evolution. 9(24):13808-13823. (F.I. 2.415)
Fimbres Acedo, Y.E., Garza Torres, R., Endo, M., Servin Villegas, R., Fitzsimmons, K.M., Emerenciano, M.G.C., Magallon Barajas, F.J. 2019. Performance of Oreochromis niloticus in recirculating aquaculture systems at different levels of daily protein intake. Aquaculture Research. 50(11):3326-3342. (F.I. 1.502)
Flores Hernández, A., Macías Rodríguez, F.J., García Herrera, G., Ortega Sánchez, J.L., Meza Herrera, C., Murillo Amador, B. 2019. Quality of fermented cactus pear (Opuntia spp) and its effect on liveweight gain of Dorper lambs. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 21:57-70. (F.I. 0.067)
Flores Higuera, F.A., Luis Villaseñor, I.E., Rochin Arenas, J.A., Gómez Gil, B., Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Voltolina Lobina, D., Medina Hernandez, D. 2019. Effect of pH on the bacterial community present in larvae and spat of Crassostrea gigas. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(3):513-523. (F.I. 0.67)
Frías Espericueta, M.G., Ruelas Inzunza, J., Benítez Lizárraga, R., Escobar Sánchez, O., Osuna Martínez, C.C., Delgado Alvarez, C.G., Aguilar Juárez, M., Osuna López, J.I., Voltolina, D. 2019. Risk assessment of mercury in sharks (Rhizoprionodon longurio) caught in the coastal zone of Northwest Mexico. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety. Published online: 08 June 2019:1-6. (F.I. 0.581)
Galindo Torres, P.E., Ventura López, C., Llera Herrera, R.A., Ibarra Humphries, A.M. 2019. A natural antisense transcript of the fem-1 gene was found expressed in female gonads during the characterization, expression profile, and cellular localization of the fem-1 gene in Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei. Gene. 706:19-31. (F.I. 2.498)
García Bernal, M., Medina Marrero, R., Campa Cordova, A.I., Mazon Suastegui, J.M. 2019. Growth and antioxidant response of juvenile oysters Crassostrea sikamea and Crassostrea corteziensis treated with Streptomyces strains. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia. 71(6):1993-1998. (F.I. 0.242)
García Bernal, M., Ossorio Álvarezl, P.A., Medina Marrero, R., Marrero Chang, O., Casanova González, M., Mazon Suastegui, J.M. 2019. Effect of Streptomyces sp RL8 on the survival of Artemia franciscana nauplii and resistance to Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Fisheries Science. Published online: 16 November 2019:1-8. (F.I. 0.929)
García Corona, J.L., Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Acosta Salmon, H., Diaz Castro, S.C., Amezquita Arce, M.P., Rodriguez Jaramillo, M.C. 2019. Super-low-frequency electromagnetic radiation affects early development of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Aquaculture Research. 50(9):2729-2734. (F.I. 1.502)
García Lagunas, N., Romero Geraldo, R.J., Kao Godinez, A.K., Hernandez Saavedra, N.Y. 2019. Differential expression of immune response genes in Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas spat, fed with dinoflagellates Gymnodinium catenatum and Prorocentrum lima. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(4):699-705. (F.I. 0.67)
Gaxiola Morales, M.G., Brito Castillo, L. 2019. Análisis de los factores de radiación-evapotranspiración en el Desierto Sonorense. Biotecnia. XXI(2):137-144. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Gemin, M., Peña Rodriguez, A., Quiroz Guzman, E., Magallon Servin, P., Barajas Sandoval, D., Elizondo Gonzalez, R. 2019. Growth-promoting bacteria for the green seaweed Ulva clathrata. Aquaculture Research. 50(12):3741-3748. (F.I. 1.502)
Getino Mamet, L.N., Gómez Daglio, L., Garcia De Leon, F.J. 2019. High genetic differentiation in the edible cannonball jellyfish (cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Stomolophus spp) from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Fisheries Research. 219:1-11. (F.I. 2.343)
Giday, K., Aerts, R., Muys, B., Troyo Dieguez, E., Azadi, H.. 2019. The effect of shade levels on the survival and growth of planted trees in dry afromontane forest: Implications for restoration success. Journal of Arid Environments. 170(103992):1-7. (F.I. 1.825)
Giraud Billoud, M., Georgina A. Rivera, I., Moreira, D.C., Burmester, T., Castro Vazquez, A., Carvajalino Fernández, J.M., Dafre, A., Niu, C., Tremblay, N., Paital, B., Rosa, R., Storey, J.M., Vega, I.A., Zhang, W., Yepiz Plascencia, G., Zenteno Savin, T., Storey, K.B., Hermes Lima, M. 2019. Twenty years of the Preparation for Oxidative Stress (POS) theory: Ecophysiological advantages and molecular strategies. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 234:36-49. (F.I. 2.258)
Glenn, T.C., Nilsen, R.A., Kieran, T.J., Sanders, J.G., Bayona Vásquez, N.J., Finger, J.W., Pierson, T.W., Bentley, K.E., Hoffberg, S.L., Louha, S., Garcia De Leon, F.J., Del Rio Portilla, M.A., Reed, K.D., Anderson, J.L., Meece, J.K., Aggrey, S.E., Rekaya, R., Alabady, M., Belanger, M., Winker, K., Faircloth, B.C. 2019. Adapterama I: universal stubs and primers for 384 unique dual-indexed or 147,456 combinatorially-indexed Illumina libraries (iTru & iNext). PeerJ. 7(e77755):1-31. (F.I. 2.353)
Goicochea Vigo, C., Morales Bojorquez, E., Zepeda Benítez, V.Y., Hidalgo De La Toba, J.Á., Aguirre Villaseñor, H., Mostacero Koc, J., Atoche Suclupe, D. 2019. Age and growth estimates of the jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas) off Peru. Aquatic Living Resources. 32(7):1-12. (F.I. 0.525)
Gómez Valdez, M.M., Carvalho Saucedo, L., Ocampo Victoria, L., Cruz Villacorta, A.A. 2019. First record of the nematode Echinocephalus pseudouncinatus (Gnathostomatidae, Spirurida) in an edible, commercial host, the pen shell Atrina maura (Bivalvia: Pinnidae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 167(107249):1-7. (F.I. 2.101)
Gösser, F., Schartl, M., Garcia De Leon, F.J., Tollrian, R., Lampert, K.P. 2019. Red Queen revisited: Immune gene diversity and parasite load in the asexual Poecilia formosa versus its sexual host species P mexicana. PLOS ONE. 14(7):1-16. (F.I. 2.776)
Granados Amores, J., Salinas Zavala, C.A., Flores Ortega, J.R., Díaz-santana Iturrios, M. 2019. Lengthweight relationship and condition factor for 7 loliginid squid species in Mexican waters. Ciencias Marinas. 45(4):175-180. (F.I. 0.73)
Guemez Sorhouet, E.E., Villarreal Colmenares, H., Racotta Dimitrov, I.S., Naranjo Paramo, J., Mercier, L.S. 2019. Zootechnical and physiological responses of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) postlarvae reared in bioflocs and subjected to stress conditions during nursery phase. Aquaculture Research. 50(4):1198-1211. (F.I. 1.475)
Guluarte Vélez, C.A., Reyes Becerril, M.C., Gonzalez Silvera, D., Cuesta, A., Angulo Valadez, C.E., Esteban, M.Á. 2019. Probiotic properties and fatty acid composition of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis M3 In vivo immunomodulatory activities in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 94:389-397. (F.I. 3.298)
Harley, J., Gaxiola Robles, R., Zenteno Savin, T., Mendez Rodriguez, L.C., Bencomo Alvarez, A.E., Thiede, A., Ohara, T.M. 2019. Using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope modelling to assess dietary mercury exposure for pregnant women in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Chemosphere. 234:702-714. (F.I. 5.108)
Hernandez Adame, L., Angulo Valadez, C.E., Delgado, K., Schiavone, M., Castex, M., Palestino, G., Betancourt Mendiola, L., Reyes Becerril, M.C. 2019. Biosynthesis of ß-D-glucan-gold nanoparticles, cytotoxicity and oxidative stress in mouse splenocytes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 134:379-389. (F.I. 3.909)
Hernandez Adame, L., Angulo Valadez, C.E., García Silva, I., Palestino, G., Rosales Mendoza, S. 2019. An overview of nanogel-based vaccines. EXPERT REVIEW OF VACCINES. 18(9):951-968. (F.I. 4.531)
Hernandez Adame, L., Palestino, G., Meza, O., Hernandez Adame, P.L., Vega Carrillo, H.R., Sarhid, I. 2018. Effect of Tb3 concentration in the visible emission of terbium-doped gadolinium oxysulfide microspheres. Solid State Sciences. 84:8-14. (F.I. 1.861)
Hernández Ibarra, N.K., Morelos Castro, R.M., Ramirez Arce, J.L., Cruz Hernandez, P., Leitch, A.R., Ibarra Humphries, A.M. 2019. Chromosomal and molecular characterization of 5S rRNA genes in the North American abalones Haliotis rufescens Swainson (red abalone) and H fulgens Philippi (blue abalone). Gene. 695:65-74. (F.I. 2.498)
Hernandez Llamas, A., Núñez Amao, L., Naranjo Paramo, J., Vargas Mendieta, M.F., Villarreal Colmenares, H. 2019. A review of alternative pond harvesting schedules for male and female redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, reared in intensive monosex commercial conditions: a stochastic bioeconomic approach. Reviews in Aquaculture. Version of Record online: 07 April 2019:1-14. (F.I. 7.139)
Hernández Montoya, J.C., Juárez Rodríguez, M., Méndez Sánchez, F.A., Aguirre Muñoz, A., Rojas Mayoral, E., Íñigo Elias, E., Galina Tessaro, P., Arnaud Franco, G.A., Ortega Rubio, A. 2019. Sexual Dimorphism and Foraging Trips of the Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) on Guadalupe Island. Animals. 9(6):1-18. (F.I. 1.654)
Hernández Núñez, E., Martínez Gutiérrez, C.A., Lopez Cortes, A., Aguirre Macedo, M.L., Tabasco Novelo, C., González Díaz, M.O., García Maldonado, J.Q. 2019. Physico-chemical Characterization of Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) Produced by Halomonas salina, Isolated from a Hypersaline Microbial Mat. Journal of Polymers and the Environment. Published online: 05 March 2019:1-7. (F.I. 1.971)
Hernández Pérez, A., Zamora Briseño, J.A., Ruiz May, E., Pereira Santana, A., Elizalde Contreras, J.M., Pozos González, S., Torres Irineo, E., Hernandez Lopez, J., Gaxiola Cortés, M.G., Rodríguez Canul, R. 2019. Proteomic profiling of the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) hemocytes infected with white spot syndrome virus reveals the induction of allergy-related proteins. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 91:37-49. (F.I. 3.119)
Herrera, H., Soto, J., Gonzalez De Bashan, L.E., Sampedro, I., Arriagada, C. 2019. Root-Associated Fungal Communities in Two Populations of the Fully Mycoheterotrophic Plant Arachnitis uniflora Phil (Corsiaceae) in Southern Chile. Microorganisms. 7(12):1-17. (F.I. 4.167)
Holguin Peña, R.J., Ramírez Ahuja, M.L., Medina Hernandez, D., Palacios Torres, R.E., Servin Villegas, R. 2019. Parasitoid Wasps Associated with Liriomyza trifolii1 Mortality in Pepper at Baja California Sur, Mexico. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 44(4):867-875. (F.I. 0.565)
Izquierdo Peña, V., Lluch Cota, S.E., Hernandez Rivas, M.E., Martinez Rincon, R. 2019. Revisiting the Regime Problem hypothesis: 25 years later. Deep-Sea Research Part II. 159:4-10. (F.I. 2.451)
Jaime Rivera, M., López Archundia, R.C., Salinas Zavala, C.A. 2019. New size record of the lollipop shark Cephalurus cephalus caught offshore Bahía Magdalena, Mexico. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(4):706-708. (F.I. 0.67)
Jesús De la Cruz, K.M., Ávila Fernández, Á., Peña Marín, E.S., Jiménez Martínez, L.D., Tovar Ramirez, D., Martínez García, R., Guerrero Zárate, R., Asencio Alcudia, G.G., Alvarez González, C.A. 2019. Trypsin gene expression in adults and larvae of tropical gar Atractosteus tropicus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. Published online: 09 November 2019:1-11. (F.I. 1.729)
Jiménez Ruis, E.Í., Maeda Martinez, A.N., Sumaya Martínez, M.T., Sánchez Herrera, L.M., Balois Morales, R., López Guzmán, G.G., Palomino Hermosillo, Y.A., Tortoledo Ortiz, O. 2019. VIDA DE ANAQUEL DE TILAPIA Oreochromis niloticus EVISCERADA TRANSPORTADA Y ALMACENADA EN HIELO. INTERCIENCIA. 44(2):82-87. (F.I. 0.264)
Koven, W., Gisbert, E., Meiri Ashkenazi, I., Nixon, O., Israeli, D., Tandler, A., Nolasco Soria, H.G., Solovyev, M., Rosenfeld, H. 2019. The effect of weaning diet type on grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) juvenile performance during the trophic shift from carnivory to omnivory. Aquaculture. Available online 11 December 2019:1-10. (F.I. 3.022)
Labrada Martagón, V., Muñoz Tenería, F., Zenteno Savin, T. 2019. Standardized Micronucleus Assay for Peripheral Blood from Sea Turtles. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 18(2):175-186. (F.I. 0.773)
Lara Capistrán, L., Hernandez Montiel, L.G., Reyes Pérez, J.J., Preciado Rangel, P., Zulueta Rodríguez, R. 2019. Respuesta agronómica de Phaseolus vulgaris a la biofertilización en campo. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas. 10(5):1035-1046. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Lara Resendiz, R.A., Galina Tessaro, P., Pérez Delgadillo, A.G., Valdez Villavicencio, J.H., Méndez De la Cruz, F.R. 2019. Efectos del cambio climático en una especie de lagartija termófila de amplia distribución (Dipsosaurus dorsalis): un enfoque ecofisiológico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 90(e902888):1-11. (F.I. 0.917)
Leon De La Luz, J.L., Medel Narvaez, A., Dominguez Cadena, R. 2019. Una nueva Commelina (Commelinacea) de Baja California Sur, México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 90(e902823):1-8. (F.I. 0.917)
Lluch Cota, S.E., Woodworth Jefcoats, P.A., Itoh, S., Peña, A., Kimura, S., Colas, F. 2019. Understanding changes in transitional areas of the Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part II. 169-170(104688):1-5. (F.I. 2.43)
Loconsole, D., Murillo Amador, B., Cristiano, G., De Lucia, B. 2019. Halophyte Common Ice Plants: A Future Solution to Arable Land Salinization. Sustainability. 11(6076):1-16. (F.I. 2.592)
López Carvallo, J.A., Arcos Ortega, G.F., Tovar Ramirez, D., Hernández Oñate, M.Á., Abasolo Pacheco, F., García Corona, J.L., Mazon Suastegui, J.M. 2019. Effect of immunomodulatory medication over the general response of juvenile Catarina scallop (Argopecten ventricosus Sowerby II, 1842). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(1):65-77. (F.I. 0.482)
Lopez Corona, B.E., Mondaca Fernandez, I., Gortares Moroyoqui, P., Holguin Peña, R.J., Meza Montenegro, M.M., Balderas Cortes, J.J., Vargas Lopez, J.M., Rueda Puente, E.O. 2019. TÉCNICA DE ESQUEJES EN AGRICULTURA: UNA ALTERNATIVA A LA VANGUARDIA. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems. 22(2):505-517. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
López Cortés, D.J., Nuñez Vazquez, E.J., Dorantes Aranda, J.J., Band Schmidt, C.J., Hernandez Sandoval, F.E., Bustillos Guzman, J.J., Leyva Valencia, I., Fernández Herrera, L.J. 2019. The State of Knowledge of Harmful Algal Blooms of Margalefidinium polykrikoides (aka Cochlodinium polykrikoides) in Latin America. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6(463):1-10. (F.I. 3.086)
López Guerrero, A.G., Rodríguez Hernández, A.M., Mounzer, O., Zenteno Savin, T., Rivera Cabrera, F., lzquierdo Oviedo, H., Soriano Melgar, L.A.A. 2019. Effect of oligosaccharins on the vase life of lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum Raf) cv Mariachi blue. THE JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. Published online: 08 Oct 2019:1-9. (F.I. 1.044)
Lopez Martinez, J., Rábago Quiroz, C.H., Arzola Sotelo, E.A., Morales Azpeitia, R., Acevedo Cervantes, A. 2019. Distribution and population dynamics of the rock shrimp Sicyonia ingentis and Sicyonia penicillata (Decapoda: Sicyoniidae) in the Gulf of California. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(3):524-535. (F.I. 0.67)
Lorenzo, C., Rioja, T.M., Carrillo Reyes, A., Alvarez Castañeda, S.T. 2019. Presence of Arenavirus in Mus musculus, Chiapas, Mexico. THERYA. 10(3):267-269. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Magallon Servin, P., Antoun, H., Taktek, S., Bashan, Y., Gonzalez De Bashan, L.E. 2019. The maize mycorrhizosphere as a source for isolation of arbuscular mycorrhizae-compatible phosphate rock-solubilizing bacteria. Plant and Soil. Published online: 29 July 2019:1-18. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Magallon Servin, P., López Vela, M., Pedraza Mirafuentes, M., Servin Villegas, R. 2019. Ferrisia dasylirii (Cockerell, 1896)1, a Potential Pest of Commercial Plantations of Salicornia bigelovii (Torr)2 at Baja California Sur, Mexico. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 44(4):861-866. (F.I. 0.565)
Makarov, R., Lomelí Ortega, C.O., Zermeño Cervantes, L.A., García Álvarez, E., Gutierrez Rivera, J.N., Cardona Félix, C.S., Martínez Díaz, S.F. 2019. Evaluation of a cocktail of phages for the control of presumptive Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains associated to acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease. Aquaculture Research. 50(11):3107-3116. (F.I. 1.502)
Maldonado Garcia, M.C., Angulo Valadez, C.E., Vazquez Martinez, J., Sanchez, V., Lopez, M.G., Reyes Becerril, M.C. 2019. Antioxidant and immunostimulant potentials of Chenopodium ambrosioides L in Pacific red snapper (Lutjanus peru). Aquaculture. 513:1-9. (F.I. 3.022)
Martínez Antonio, E.M., Racotta Dimitrov, I.S., Ruvalcaba Márquez, J.C., Magallon Barajas, F.J. 2019. Modulation of stress response and productive performance of Litopenaeus vannamei through diet. PeerJ. 7:e6850:1-22. (F.I. 2.118)
Martinez Rincon, R., Saldívar Lucio, R., Morales, M., Lluch Cota, S.E., Lluch Cota, D.B., Salvadeo, C., Ponce Díaz, G. 2019. Contribution of ocean variability to climate-catch models of Pacific sardine. Deep-Sea Research Part II. 159:103-111. (F.I. 2.451)
Martínez Ruiz, F.E., Andrade Bustamante, G., Aispuro Hernández, E., Hernandez Montiel, L.G., Holguin Peña, R.J., Rueda Puente, E.O. 2019. Antisuero vs hongos fitopatógenos en el cultivo de tomate en Sonora, México. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas. 10(4):873-884. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Mathieu Resuge, M., Kraffe, E., Le Grand, F., Boens, A., Bideau, A., Lluch Cota, S.E., Racotta Dimitrov, I.S., Schaal, G. 2019. Trophic ecology of suspension-feeding bivalves inhabiting a north-eastern Pacific coastal lagoon: Comparison of different biomarkers. Marine Environmental Research. 145:155-163. (F.I. 3.159)
Mathieu Resuge, M., Schaal, G., Kraffe, E., Corvaisier, R., Lebeau, O., Lluch Cota, S.E., Salgado Garcia, R.L., Kainz, M.J., Le Grand, F. 2019. Different particle sources in a bivalve species of a coastal lagoon: evidence from stable isotopes, fatty acids, and compound-specific stable isotopes. Marine Biology. 166(7):1-12. (F.I. 2.215)
Matus Hernández, M.Á., Martinez Rincon, R., Aviña Hernández, R.J., Hernandez Saavedra, N.Y. 2019. Landsat-derived environmental factors to describe habitat preferences and spatiotemporal distribution of phytoplankton. Ecological Modelling. 408:1-9. (F.I. 2.634)
Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Leyva Miranda, G.A., Arrieche Galindez, D.K., Lodeiros Seijo, C., López Carvallo, J.A. 2019. Influence of hatchery rich-carbohydrate diet on the oyster Crassostrea corteziensis (Hertlein, 1951) farming. Aquaculture Research. 50(10):3078-3081. (F.I. 1.502)
Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Salas Leiva, J.S., Medina Marrero, R., Medina García, R., García Bernal, M. 2019. Effect of Streptomyces probiotics on the gut microbiota of Litopenaeus vannamei challenged with Vibrio parahaemolyticus. MicrobiologyOpen. Version of Record online: 18 November 2019:1-11. (F.I. 2.738)
Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Salas Leiva, J., Teles, A., Tovar Ramirez, D. 2019. Evaluation of Homeopathic Phosphoric Acid, Silica and Pathogenic Vibrio on Digestive Enzyme Activity of Longfin Yellowtail Fish (Seriola rivoliana). Homeopathy. Publication Date: 27 August 2019 (online):1-11. (F.I. 1.469)
Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Tovar Ramirez, D., Ortiz Cornejo, N.L., García Bernal, M., López Carvallo, J.A., Salas Leiva, J.S., Abasolo Pacheco, F. 2019. Efecto de medicamentos homeopáticos sobre crecimiento, supervivencia y microbiota gastrointestinal, en juveniles del pectínido Argopecten ventricosus. Revista MVZ Córdoba. 24(3):7328-7338. (F.I. 0.188)
Medina Hernandez, D., Caamal Chan, M.G., Vargas Salinas, M., Loera Muro, A., Barraza Celis, A., Holguin Peña, R.J. 2019. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of a Squash leaf curl virus isolate from Baja California Sur, Mexico. PeerJ. Published 17 April 2019:1-11. (F.I. 2.118)
Medina Hernandez, D., Vargas Salinas, M., Holguin Peña, R.J. 2019. Abundance of the Beet Leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus, Associated with 16SrIII-phytoplasmas in Squash at Baja California Sur, Mexico. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 44(2):373-381. (F.I. 0.565)
Medina Hernandez, D., Vargas Salinas, M., Rueda Puente, E.O., Holguin Peña, R.J. 2019. Seasonal Distribution of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) MEAM1 Species and Impact on Incidence of Begomoviral Diseases in Baja California Sur. Journal of Economic Entomology. Published: 28 March 2019:1-7. (F.I. 1.936)
Mendez Rodriguez, L.C., Alvarez Castañeda, S.T. 2019. Differences in metal content in liver of Heteromyids from deposits with and without previous mining operations. THERYA. 10(3):235-242. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Monreal Escalante, E., Rosales Mendoza, S., Govea Alonso, D.O., Campa Cordova, A.I., Angulo Valadez, C.E. 2019. Genetically-engineered plants yield an orally immunogenic PirA-like toxin from Vibrio parahaemolyticus. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 137:126-131. (F.I. 4.784)
Morales Ávila, J.R., Gómez Gutiérrez, J., Hernandez Saavedra, N.Y., Robinson, C.J., Palm, H.W. 2019. Phylogenetic placement and microthrix pattern of Paranybelinia otobothrioides Dollfus, 1966 (Trypanorhyncha) from krill Nyctiphanes simplex Hansen, 1911. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 10:138-148. (F.I. 2.075)
Morales Yáñez, I., Rodriguez Estrella, R. 2019. GOLDEN EAGLE NESTLINGS INFESTED BY MEXICAN CHICKEN BUGS IN CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO. Journal of Raptor Research. 53(1):111-113. (F.I. 0.699)
Morales Zarate, M.V., Almendarez Hernandez, M.A., Sanchez Brito, I., Salinas Zavala, C.A. 2019. Valoración económica del servicio ecosistémico recreativo de playa en Los Cabos, Baja California Sur (BCS), México: Una aplicación del Método de Costo de Viaje. El Periplo Sustentable. 36:447-469. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Moreno Galván, A.E., Cortés Patiño, S., Romero Perdomo, F., Uribe Vélez, D., Bashan, Y., Bonilla, R.R. 2019. Proline accumulation and glutathione reductase activity induced by drought-tolerant rhizobacteria as potential mechanisms to alleviate drought stress in Guinea grass. Applied Soil Ecology. Available online 06 November 2019:1-9. (F.I. 3.445)
Morquecho Escamilla, M.L. 2019. Pyrodinium bahamense One the Most Significant Harmful Dinoflagellate in Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6(1):1-8. (F.I. 3.086)
Muñoz Arroyo, S., Martinez Rincon, R., Findley, L.T., Hernandez Olalde, L., Balart Paez, E.F. 2019. Reproductive behaviors and sex roles during a diurnal cycle of the goby, Lythrypnus pulchellus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Journal of Ethology. Published online: 02 December 2019:1-20. (F.I. 1.423)
Muñoz Arroyo, S., Rodriguez Jaramillo, M.C., Balart Paez, E.F. 2019. The goby Lythrypnus pulchellus is a bi-directional sex changer. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 102(11):1377-1391. (F.I. 1.226)
Muro Torres, V.M., Soto Jiménez, M., Green, L., Quintero, J., Amezcua, F. 2019. Food web structure of a subtropical coastal lagoon. Aquatic Ecology. Published online: 31 May 2019:1-24. (F.I. 1.978)
Nandini, S., Peña Aguado, F., Arreguin Rebolledo, U., Sarma, S.S.S., Gopal, M. 2019. Molecular identity and demographic responses to salinity of a freshwater strain of Brachionus plicatilis from the shallow Lake Pátzcuaro, Mexico. Fundamental and Applied Limnology. 192(4):319-329. (F.I. 0.98)
Nieto Gómez, R., Angulo Valadez, C.E., Monreal Escalante, E., Govea Alonso, D.O., De Groot, A.S., Rosales Mendoza, S. 2019. Design of a multiepitopic Zaire ebolavirus protein and its expression in plant cells. Journal of Biotechnology. 295:41-48. (F.I. 3.163)
Ochoa Gómez, J.G., Lluch Cota, S.E., Rivera Monroy, V.H., Lluch Cota, D.B., Troyo Dieguez, E., Oechel, W., Serviere Zaragoza, E. 2019. Mangrove wetland productivity and carbon stocks in an arid zone of the Gulf of California (La Paz Bay, Mexico). Forest Ecology and Management. 442:135-147. (F.I. 3.126)
Palacios Salgado, D.S., Campos Davila, L., Granados Amores, J., Cruz Escalona, V.H., Peterson, M.S., Moreno Sánchez, X.G., Aguilar Medrano, R., Flores Ortega, J.R., Abitia Cárdenas, L.A. 2019. Functional diversity in fish assemblages of the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean: A review of two decades of progress in the functional diversity approach. Hidrobiologica. 29(1):17-40. (F.I. 0.23)
Perez Enriquez, R., Llera Herrera, R.A., Galindo Torres, P.E., Avila Alvarez, S. 2019. A fast sex detection method for the Whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei by post-PCR high resolution melting (HRM). Aquaculture. Available online 27 November 2019:1-5. (F.I. 3.022)
Perez Navarro, J.J., Rodriguez Estrella, R., González Abraham, A. 2019. Human Activity and Geographical Factors Influence Vegetation and Plant Richness in Vanishing Oases of Baja California Peninsula. Natural Areas Journal. 39(4):409-419. (F.I. 1.032)
Pérez Palafox, X.A., Morales Bojorquez, E., Rodriguez Jaramillo, M.C., Díaz Uribe, J.G., Hernández Herrera, A., Rodríguez García, O.U., Arizmendi Rodríguez, D.I. 2019. EVIDENCE OF ITEROPARITY IN JUMBO SQUID DOSIDICUS GIGAS IN THE GULF OF CALIFORNIA, MEXICO. Journal of Shellfish Research. 38(1):149-162. (F.I. 1.037)
Pérez Rodríguez, J.C., Gómez Gutiérrez, J., López Greco, L.S., Cortes Jacinto, E. 2019. Spermatophore production and sperm quality of the river prawn Macrobrachium americanum Spence Bate, 1868 fed with different diets. Aquaculture Research. 50(11):3117-3129. (F.I. 1.502)
Phillips, C.D., Dunnum, J.L., Dowler, R.C., Bradley, L.C., Garner, H.J., Macdonald, K.A., Lim, B.K., Revelez, M.A., Campbell, M.L., Lutz, H.L., Ordóñez Garza, N., Cook, J.A., Bradley, R.D., Alvarez Castañeda, S.T., Bradley, J.E., Carraway, L.N., Carrera-e, J.P., Conroy, C.J., Coyner, B.S., Demboski, J.R., Dick, C.W., Doyle, K., Esselstyn, J.A., Gutiérrez, E., Hanson, J.D., Holahan, P.M., Holmes, T., Iudica, C.A., Leite, R.N., Lee Jr, T.E., Lim, B.K., Malaney, J.L., Mclean, B.S., Mclaren, S.B., Moncrief, N.D., Olson, L., Rickart, E.A., Rogers, D.S., Thompson, C.W., Upham, N.S., Velazco, P.M. 2019. Curatorial guidelines and standards of the American Society of Mammalogists for collections of genetic resources. Journal of Mammalogy. 100(5):1690-1694. (F.I. 2.13)
Poghosyan Melkonyan, A., Hernandez Gonzalez, J.A., Lebsky, V., Oropeza, C., Narvaez, M., Leon De La Luz, J.L. 2019. First Report of 16SrIV Palm Lethal Yellowing group phytoplasma (Candidatus phytoplasma palmae) in Palmilla de taco (Brahea brandegeei) and Palma colorada (Washingtonia robusta) in the State of Baja California Sur, Mexico. PLANT DISEASE. Published Online: 12 Apr 2019:1-2. (F.I. 2.941)
Preciado Rangel, P., Reyes Pérez, J.J., Ramírez Rodríguez, S.C., Salas Pérez, L., Fortis Hernández, M., Murillo Amador, B., Troyo Dieguez, E. 2019. Foliar Aspersion of Salicylic Acid Improves Phenolic and Flavonoid Compounds, and Also the Fruit Yield in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). Plants. 8(2):1-8. (F.I. 2.632)
Publicados internacionales (factor de impacto de la revista)
Quintana López, A., Hurtado Oliva, M.Á., Manzano Sarabia, M.M., López Peraza, D.J., Hernández, C., García, A., Palacios Mechetnov, E. 2019. Effect of rearing conditions on astaxanthin accumulation in the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(2):303-309. (F.I. 0.67)
Rábago Quiroz, C.H., Zepeda Benítez, V.Y., Lopez Martinez, J., Padilla Serrato, J.G. 2019. Biometric relationships for commercially important penaeid shrimp species on the east coast of the Gulf of California. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(4):716-722. (F.I. 0.67)
Ramírez Rodríguez, A.E., Bañuelos Hernández, B., García Soto, M.J., Govea Alonso, D.G., Rosales Mendoza, S., Alfaro De la Torre, M.C., Monreal Escalante, E., Paz Maldonado, L.M.T. 2019. Arsenic removal using Chlamydomonas reinhardtii modified with the gene acr3 and enhancement of its performance by decreasing phosphate in the growing media. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATION. Published online: 15 Mar 2019:1-7. (F.I. 1.886)
Rendón Martínez, J.R., Frías Espericueta, M.G., Green Ruiz, C.R., Páez Osuna, F., Voltolina, D. 2019. ARSENIC CONTENT, GRAIN SIZES AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN SURFACE SEDIMENTS OF THE URÍAS LAGOON, NW MEXICO. Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental. 35(3):771-779. (F.I. 0.566)
Reyes Becerril, M.C., Angulo Valadez, C.E., Sanchez, V., Cuesta, A., Cruz Villacorta, A.A. 2019. Methylmercury, cadmium and arsenic(III)-induced toxicity, oxidative stress and apoptosis in Pacific red snapper leukocytes. Aquatic Toxicology. 213:1-8. (F.I. 3.794)
Reyes Becerril, M.C., Martínez Preciado, A., Guluarte Vélez, C.A., Guerra, K., Tovar Ramirez, D., Macías Rodríguez, M.E., Angulo Valadez, C.E. 2019. Phytochemical composition and immunobiological activity of Hawthorn Crataegus mexicana nanoencapsulated in Longfin yellowtail Seriola rivoliana leukocytes. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 92:308-314. (F.I. 3.298)
Reyes Becerril, M.C., Rosales Mendoza, S., Guluarte Vélez, C.A., Jiménez Bremont, J.F., Becerra Flora, A., Monreal Escalante, E., Angulo Valadez, C.E. 2019. Efficacy of the corn smut-made CTB oral vaccine on mucosal immune parameters in Pacific red snapper (Lutjanus peru). Aquaculture. 503:403-411. (F.I. 2.71)
Reyes Pérez, J.J., Enríquez Acosta, E.A., Ramírez Arrebato, M.Á., Rodríguez Pedroso, A.T., Lara Capistrán, L., Hernandez Montiel, L.G. 2019. Evaluation of the growth, yield and nutritional quality of pepper fruit with the application of Quitomax. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria. 46(1):23-29. (F.I. 0.337)
Reyes Pérez, J.J., Hernandez Montiel, L.G., Vero, S., Noa Carrazana, J.C., Quiñones Aguilar, E.E., Rincón Enríquez, G. 2019. Postharvest biocontrol of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on mango using the marine bacterium Stenotrophomonas rhizophila and its possible mechanisms of action. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE. Published online: 29 July 2019:1-8. (F.I. 1.85)
Reyes Pérez, J.J., Ramírez Arrebato, M.Á., Rodríguez Pedroso, A.T., Lara Capistrán, L., Hernandez Montiel, L.G. 2019. EFFECT OF QUITOMAX ON THE INDICATORS OF GROWTH, PHENOLOGY AND YIELD OF COWPEA (Vigna unguiculata L). Biotecnia. XXI(1):109-112. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Reyes Pérez, J.J., Ruiz Espinoza, F.H., Hernandez Montiel, L.G., De Lucía, B., Cristiano, G., Murillo Amador, B. 2019. Evaluation of Glycosyl-Hydrolases, Phosphatases, Esterases and Proteases as Potential Biomarker for NaCl-Stress Tolerance in Solanum lycopersicum L Varieties. Molecules. 24(13):1-22. (F.I. 3.06)
Reyes Pérez, J.J., Ver, S., Diaz Rivera, E., Lara Capistran, L., Noa Carranza, J.C., Hernandez Montiel, L.G. 2019. Application of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and marine yeasts to control postharvest anthracnose disease in mango (Mangifera indica L). Ciencia e Investigación Agraria. 46(3):266-275. (F.I. 0.307)
Reynaga Franco, F.J., Chavez Villalba, J.E., Barraza Guardado, R.H., Alcantara Razo, E., Arreola Lizarraga, J.A., Castro Longoria, R., Grijalva Chon, J.M. 2019. Influencia de la variabilidad ambiental de la Laguna la Cruz (Sonora) en el crecimiento y condición del ostión del Pacífico Crassostrea gigas. Biotecnia. XXI(2):62-70. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Reynaga Franco, F., Aragon Noriega, E.A., Grijalva Chon, J., Castro Longoria, R., Arreola Lizarraga, J.A., Barraza Guardado, R., Chavez Villalba, J.E. 2019. Multi-model inference as criterion to determine differences in growth patterns of distinct Crassostrea gigas stocks. Aquaculture International. Published online: 20 May 2019:1-16. (F.I. 1.283)
Rivas García, T., Murillo Amador, B., Nieto Garibay, A., Rincon Enriquez, G., Chiquito Contreras, R.G., Hernandez Montiel, L.G. 2019. Enhanced biocontrol of fruit rot on muskmelon by combination treatment with marine Debaryomyces hansenii and Stenotrophomonas rhizophila and their potential modes of action. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 151:61-67. (F.I. 3.112)
Rivera Perez, C., Magallanes Domínguez, C., Dominguez Beltran, R.V., Ojeda Ramírez De Areyano, J.J., Hernandez Saavedra, N.Y. 2019. Biochemical and molecular characterization of N66 from the shell of Pinctada mazatlanica. PeerJ. 7(e7212):1-21. (F.I. 2.353)
Rivera Perez, C., Ojeda Ramírez De Areyano, J.J., Hernandez Saavedra, N.Y. 2019. Purification and functional analysis of the shell matrix protein N66 from the shell of the pearl oyster Pteria sterna. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B. 235:19-29. (F.I. 1.99)
Rodriguez Estrella, R., Estrada Hernández, C.G., Alvarez Castañeda, S.T., Ferrer Sánchez, Y. 2019. Comparing individual raptor species and coarse taxonomic groups as biodiversity surrogates in desert ecosystems. Biodiversity and Conservation. 28(5):1225-1244. (F.I. 2.828)
Rodriguez Estrella, R., Rivera Rodríguez, L.B. 2019. HIGH PREVALENCE OF LOUSE FLIES ON OSPREY NESTLINGS IN A BAJA CALIFORNIA COLONY. Journal of Raptor Research. 53(2):142-149. (F.I. 0.699)
Rodríguez García, O.U., Seijo, J.C., De Anda Montañez, J.A., Villanueva, R. 2019. Recovery timelines of vulnerable high value species under moratoria: Dealing with uncertain levels of illegal fishing. Fisheries Research. 220(105345):1-8. (F.I. 2.343)
Rodríguez Pedroso, A.T., Reyes Pérez, J.J., Méndez Martínez, Y., Ramírez Arrebato, M.A., Falcón Rodríguez, A., Valle Fernández, Y., Hernandez Montiel, L.G. 2019. Efecto del Quitomax en el rendimiento del cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa, L) var J-104. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia de la Universidad del Zulia. 36(2):98-110. (F.I. 0.204)
Rodriguez Romero, J., Lopez Martinez, J., Ochoa Diaz, M.R., Herrera Valdivia, E. 2019. Dieta del pez chile lucio Synodus scituliceps (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) en la Costa Este del Golfo de California, México. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía. 54(3):319-323. (F.I. 0.455)
Rojas Arzaluz, M., Jimenez Bremont, F., Villicaña Torres, M.C., Carreon Palau, L., Arredondo Vega, B.O., Gomez Anduro, G.A. 2019. Involvement of OpsLTP1 from Opuntia streptacantha in abiotic stress adaptation and lipid metabolism. Functional Plant Biology. 46(9):816-829. (F.I. 2.327)
Rojas Figueroa, A., Araya, R., Acosta Salmon, H., Chávez Contreras, F., Ortiz Cornejo, N.L., Saucedo Lastra, P.E. 2019. Factors influencing half-pearl (mabe) production and quality in the red abalone Haliotis rufescens. Aquaculture Research. 50(11):3392-3400. (F.I. 1.502)
Rojo Arreola, L.C., Navarrete Del Toro, M.A., Cordova Murueta, J.H., Garcia Carreño, F.L. 2019. Techniques for protein digestion research in Decapoda: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 89:65-75. (F.I. 8.519)
Romero Lopez, B., Palacios López, O.A., Bashan, Y., Hernandez Sandoval, F.E., Gonzalez De Bashan, L.E. 2019. Riboflavin and lumichrome exuded by the bacterium Azospirillum brasilense promote growth and changes in metabolites in Chlorella sorokiniana under autotrophic conditions. Algal Research. 44:1-8. (F.I. 3.723)
Roos Muñoz, S., Voltolina Lobina, D., Aguilar Juárez, M., Abad Rosales, S., Bautista Covarrubias, J.C., Bañuelos Vargas, M.I., Soto Jiménez, M.F., Frías Espericueta, M.G. 2019. DNA Damage and Immunological Responses in the Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Exposed to Sublethal Levels of Mercury. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 102(2):186-190. (F.I. 1.48)
Rosero García, A.P., Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Dumas, S., Chávez Sánchez, M.C., Avilés Quevedo, A., Rodriguez Jaramillo, M.C. 2019. Effect of Homeopathic Medicines on Intestinal Coccidia and Immune Response Cells in Spotted Rose Snapper (Lutjanus guttatus). Homeopathy. Publication Date: 18 abril 2019:1-13. (F.I. 1.524)
Ruiz Sanchez, E., Arnaud Franco, G.A., Cruz Andrés, O.R., Garcia De Leon, F.J. 2019. Phylogenetic relationships and origin of the rattlesnakes of the Gulf of California islands (Viperidae: Crotalinae: Crotalus). Herpetological Journal. 29(3):162-172. (F.I. 0.875)
Salazar Villa, E., Alcaraz Melendez, L., León Félix, J., Basilio Heredia, J., Soto Landeros, F., Angulo Escalante, M.A. 2019. Morphological variability and oil content of Jatropha platyphylla Müll Arg germplasm as determined using multivariate analysis. Scientia Horticulturae. Available online 14 November 2019:1-7. (F.I. 1.961)
Salgado Beltrán, L., Beltran Morales, L.F., García Moraga, R.E., Beltrán Morales, F.A., Subirá Lobera, M.E. 2019. MOTIVOS PARA ADOPTAR LA SUSTENTABILIDAD EN LOS NEGOCIOS. AGRICULTURA, SOCIEDAD Y DESARROLLO. 16(3):399-413. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Santos Romo, A., Sau N., J., Certucha M., T., Almendáriz F., J., Monge A., O., Zepeda I., J., Hernandez Lopez, J. 2019. Rapid detection of bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis, in airborne particles of Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Journal of Environmental Biology. 40:619-625. (F.I. 0.555)
Saucedo Lastra, P.E., Olivera Bonilla, A., Sierra Beltrán, A., Mazon Suastegui, J.M., Acosta Salmon, H. 2019. Cultivo primario de células de manto de la madreperla Pinctada mazatlanica (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), con probable aplicación en el cultivo de perlas. Hidrobiológica. 29(1):1-7. (F.I. 0.23)
Soto Landeros, F., Alcaraz Melendez, L., Angulo Escalante, M.A., Reynoso Granados, T., Pérez Rubio, V. 2019. Seed oil content and composition of Jatropha curcas (L) and grafted Jatropha curcas (L) on Jatropha cinerea (Ortega) Muell Arg rootstock. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. 51(2):68-77. (F.I. 1.158)
Suárez González, I., Piña Juárez, O., Rojas Contreras, M., Cadena Roa, M.A., Vazquez Juarez, R. 2019. Capacidad de adhesión a moco de coral de bacterias aisladas de Pocillopora sp y Porites panamensis del suroeste del Golfo de California. CICIMAR Oceánides. 34(1):17-27. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Szoboszlay, M., Näther, A., Liu, B., Carrillo Garcia, A.E., Castellanos Cervantes, T.R., Smalla, K., Jia, Z., Tebbe, C.C. 2019. Contrasting microbial community responses to salinization and straw amendment in a semiarid bare soil and its wheat rhizosphere. Scientific Reports. 9(9795):1-11. (F.I. 4.011)
Tenorio Rodríguez, P.A., Esquivel Solis, H., Murillo Álvarez, J.I., Ascencio Valle, F.J., Campa Cordova, A.I., Angulo Valadez, C.E. 2019. Biosprospecting potential of kelp (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) from Baja California Peninsula: phenolic content, antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory, and cell viability. Journal of Applied Phycology. Published online: 16 April 2019:1-15. (F.I. 2.401)
Toriz Roldan, A., Ruiz Vega, J., García Ulloa, M., Hernandez Llamas, A., Fonseca Madrigal, J., Rodríguez González, H. 2019. Assessment of Dietary Supplementation Levels of Black Soldier Fly, Hemertia illucens1, Pre-pupae Meal for Juvenile Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 44(1):251-259. (F.I. 0.462)
Torres Cortés, C.O., Hernandez Adame, L., Baltazar Raigosa, A., Vega Carrillo, H.R., Rodríguez López, J.L., Pérez Arrieta, M.L. 2019. Synthesis and thermoluminescent response to y-rays and neutrons of MgB4O7:Dy and MgB4O7:Dy,Na. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 147:159-164. (F.I. 1.123)
Tovar Zamora, I., Caraveo Patiño, J., Penilla Navarro, R.P., Serrano Pinto, V.V., Méndez Galván, J., Maeda Martinez, A.M., Guerrero Cardenas, I., Servin Villegas, R. 2019. Seasonal Variation in Abundance of Dengue Vector in the Southern Part of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 44(4):885-895. (F.I. 0.565)
Tripp Valdez, M.Á., Harms, L., Pörtner, H.O., Sicard Gonzalez, M.T., Lucassen, M. 2019. De novo transcriptome assembly and gene expression profile of thermally challenged green abalone (Haliotis fulgens: Gastropoda) under acute hypoxia and hypercapnia. Marine Genomics. Available online 1 February 2019:1-9. (F.I. 1.937)
Troyo Vega, B., Arnaud Franco, G.A., Swartz, S., Ortega Rubio, A. 2019. Impacto Socioeconómico del Turismo de la ballena gris (Eschrichtius robustus), en dos localidades de la Reserva de la Biosfera El Vizcaíno, Baja California Sur, México. El Periplo Sustentable. Enero / Junio 2019(36):157-183. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)
Trujillo García, E.A., Rosales Mendoza, S., Angulo Valadez, C.E. 2019. A multi-epitope plant-made chimeric protein (LTBentero) targeting common enteric pathogens is immunogenic in mice. Plant Molecular Biology. Published online: 10 December 2019:1-11. (F.I. 3.928)
Ulaje Fernández, S.A., Rojo Arreola, L.C., Lluch Cota, S.E., Ascencio Valle, F.J., Cruz Hernandez, P., Sicard Gonzalez, M.T. 2019. Gene expression and energetic metabolism changes in the whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in response to short-term hypoxia. Aquaculture Research. 50:994-1004. (F.I. 1.475)
Valenzuela Castillo, A., Sanchez Paz, J.A., Castro Longoria, R., López Torres, M.A., Grijalva Chon, J.M. 2019. Hsp70 function and polymorphism, its implications for mollusk aquaculture: a review. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 47(2):224-231. (F.I. 0.67)
Valles Vega, G.I., Ascencio Valle, F.J., Sicard Gonzalez, M.T., Angulo Valadez, C.E., Fajer Avila, E.J., Inohuye Rivera, R.B., Perez Urbiola, J.C. 2019. Effects of temperature on the life cycle of Neobenedenia sp (Monogenea: Capsalidae) from Seriola rivoliana (Almaco jack) in Bahía de La Paz, BCS Mexico. Parasitology Research. 118(12):3267-3277. (F.I. 2.067)
Vargas Salinas, M., Medina Hernandez, D., Aranda López, O., Hernández Barrera, J.R., Holguin Peña, R.J. 2019. Occurrence and geographic distribution of Squash leaf curl virus in the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. Published online 08 Jul 2019:1-9. (F.I. 0.846)
Velázquez Lizárraga, A.E., Juarez Morales, J.L., Racotta Dimitrov, I.S., Villarreal Colmenares, H., Valdes Lopez, O., Luna González, A., Rodriguez Jaramillo, M.C., Estrada Muñoz, N.A., Ascencio Valle, F.J. 2019. Transcriptomic analysis of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei, Boone 1931) in response to acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus. PLoS ONE. 14(8):1-28. (F.I. 2.776)
Villagrán De La Mora, B.Z., Nuño Anguiano, K.J., Vázquez Paulino, O., Avalos, H., Castro Rosas, J., Gómez Aldapa, C., Angulo Valadez, C.E., Ascencio Valle, F.J., Villarruel López, A. 2019. Effect of a Synbiotic Mix on Intestinal Structural Changes, and Salmonella typhimurium and Clostridium perfringens Colonization in Broiler Chickens. Animals. 9(777):1-20. (F.I. 1.832)
Von Borstel Juárez, O.S., Beltran Morales, L.F., Ponce Díaz, G., Almendarez Hernández, L.C., Meza Cuellar, N.A., Zepeda Domínguez, J.A. 2019. Caracterización socioeconómica de la pesca deportiva en tres localidades de Baja California Sur, México. Sociedad y Ambiente. 8(21):207-226. (Padrón de revistas CONAHCYT)

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